
Thursday, December 26, 2019

Week43: Feliz Navidad

Hola! This has been another good week. 

We had zone conference this week which was absolutely amazing! It was exactly what I needed to get new ideas and re energized. We also got to sing a few Christmas hymns all together at the end and sister Marsh (mission president's wife) put up a fireplace video for "atmosphere" ha ha! 

We had exchanges with the STL's, which was a blast! They are also Spanish so that was great. I went to riverside with sister brooks and sister Gray was with sister zuniga. We were on bikes for the exchange which I actually liked. I miss biking, but I'm grateful for the car when it's really cold or raining. We also went caroling with their district which was really fun. Light the world is so amazing to just share light and love with others. 

Our miracle this week happened right after exchanges. We were over in the far corner of our area so we decided to stop by some people the elders had referred to us from others or contacts. We stopped by looking for angelica, but a woman named Alice opened the door. She had just moved in with this family the day before. And get this, on the plane ride from Chile she sat next to a missionary who was able to give her a copy of the book of Mormon with her testimony in it. We both know that we were brought together by God and are excited to get to work with her more and help her. 

We also did an activity with the elders in our district. We passed out candy canes with the light the world cards and invitations to the special christmas service on Sunday. It was really fun, and we did it out in front of a massive talpas supermercado. 

I am so excited for Christmas and getting to spend time with those we are teaching and the members. May we all continue to feel this spirit of love and giving. Christ's birth was not the end, it was what followed that really brought miracles and changed the world. 

Love y'all and Feliz Navidad!
Hermana Nielson :)

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