
Monday, December 9, 2019

Week 41: Always a little uncomfortable

Hello everyone!!

This was quite the week.

It started with finally moving in on Tuesday. Our new place is so nice! And it is actually by Hispanics. We are the 3rd floor so we were a bit sore after moving in haha. But this place has a gym, and resident ducks :) we love it!

President Marsh is doing great. Nothing was amiss and so he is good to go, but thanks for all the prayers. And things worked out for interviews on Thursday too.

The best part of the week was of course mission conference. Elder Bednar came!! It was absolutely incredible to learn from him. He had us prepare by studying four of his addresses. And then we got to ask questions and he would ask questions back or make suggestions. And then would have us notice the patter of learning. Ultimately we learned how we should learn. Along with our own personal answers. He showed us how to learn by the spirit one on one with a group of people. One comment he made about relying on the spirit was that if we are doing it right we will always be a bit uncomfortable. Because revelation takes preparation, but it is an individual thing specific to who, when, and where. So sometimes at stake conferences he would take peoples talks/notes and make them speak by the spirit. Crazy!! But it was a very powerful experience and completely draining!

Catalina and Nicolas are doing really well! They have been praying and when we come for lessons and ask them if they have their Book of Mormons with them they pull them out and immediately open asking what page we are going to. They are really amazing!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week and takes time to notice and create Holy moments in their week

Hermana Nielson :)

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