
Monday, December 2, 2019

Week 40: Two dinners

Hey everyone!

This has been a good but busy week. We are preparing to move into a new apartment so we had to get all our new house stuff and pack and clean up so I don't have lots of time. But we were able to have good lessons with Catalina and she is really opening up to us.

Also, thanksgiving was great! I got to talk with my family and have two dinners. One with the mission office couple and the other with a member family. I love the people here and am so grateful for their love and receptiveness.

My Spanish is getting better. I need to focus on understanding when others are talking to us, but we are coming along. Stay tuned because this Saturday we have a mission conference and Elder Bednar is going to talk with us! Woot woot! I'm so pumped! Any ways, love you all and hope you have a wonderful week!

Hermana Nielson :D

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