
Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Week 42: Another Great Week


This was another good week.

We were able to stop by some people we had made contact with and have little lessons, which was great. I love getting to light the world! There is so much love and hope. And sharing with others just increases those. 

We have been teaching more private English classes which is going great! Ofelia is really loving meeting with us and really wants to come to church and activities, but has a hard work schedule. So we are really praying for her to have the opportunities she so wants. 

Catalina and Nicolas are reading the Book of Mormon and praying :) they really have noticed the difference in their lives from meeting with us. The spirit really works miracles and it is such a blessing to have the first row to see their lives becoming happier. 

I know the gospel is true and that God has given us everything he has to help us be happy. To be truly happy that comes from the inside out and lasts forever. We can be happy in whatever circumstances because this happiness comes from who we are, how we have the spirit with us, and focusing on gratitude.

Thanks for all the prayers and love!

Have a fantabulous week!
Hermana Nielson :D


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