
Sunday, March 17, 2019

Week 3: I will survive

Ladies and gentleman.

I leave the MTC in two days. I repeat two days. I will have survived the mtc. I also finally got the cold that has been going around. So that's not been fun, but it's only been the last few days. Other than that this week has been great! We had an awesome lesson on the Atonement of Jesus Christ. It opened my eyes to how we can use the power of Christ's Atonement to become better. I always knew we could, but I didn't understand how that worked. But we did a group study through different aspects and it was awesome! The gospel is so amazing! God loves us all so much! And he has given us all the tools we need to be happy and return to him. How incredible is that?!

We combined with another district for a demo lesson in class. It ended up being a complete train wreck. We were not enjoying how the other teacher was trying to run the lesson, and he spent too much time on figuring out the need, when the person straight up told us what he needed. And then he never used any input we gave when we paused and he'd turn and talk to the class. We were all pretty grumpy at the end of it, but were able to turn it into a good teaching experience and use it as and example of what not to do. And we were able to come back together and bring the spirit back. So that was really interesting.

I finally got sick this week. I was fine until Thursday and then I woke up with a stuffy nose and it just got worse throughout the day. So it is pretty bad, but is worse off and on throughout the day. But I'm surviving. I'm excited to get out to Georgia, but I'm not tired of the mtc like my roommates. This week has been really good. We had a really good lesson about the atonement, and it clicked in my head how the atonement helps us improve ourselves. I knew it did, just not how. But it comes with our ability to change. And it comes with the fact that change can be painful because growth is painful. So he overcame that too. I'm not sure if I'm making any sense, but it was a cool thought.

We've had some really funny nights when we are getting ready for bed. It's really nice to just laugh a lot. And work on those abs ;p 
We have a running joke among our district now of tums being the cure all for everything. It's pretty funny. And our nightly shower concerts have continued :) 

Stay lovely everyone!

Love, Sister Nielson :)


  1. You'll be a good missionary
    Keep positive and keep smiling through the bad.
    Aunt Lynne

  2. I love you attitude. You can conquer anything. Georgia is just around the corner. Sooo close. You will be amazing! Georgia is lucky to have you.

  3. Hey emiline hope you're loving the mish so far good luck out there!!!
