
Sunday, March 10, 2019

Week 2: I'm Alive

Hey everyone!

It's week two here, so we are basically pros. Not really, but it feels like we have been her more than two weeks. Each day feels like a week because we have so much going on and long days. But life is good! 

The influenza has been going around so some people are getting quarantined, and they've implemented a no-handshake policy. Half our district got sick with colds, luckily no flu, and I've been lucky enough to stay out of it and not get sick. So I'm very grateful for that. 

Fast Sunday was a really cool experience. I'm glad I got to experience one here in the mtc. It was definitely the busiest day. We just went from one devo or council thing to another. It was probably 10+ hours of these. They were really good though, just long. Choir practice is amazing. It's fun to sing with all the missionaries and the director has some amazing stories he shares we got to hear from elder cook of the seventy and all his grandkids came up and they were adorable. Also, there was a couple who spoke and the man was really tall but his wife was short. And she joked about needing a stool since they were talking together. And they actually had one to bring up. It was hilarious. The other funny thing was when the sisters were split from the elders and they were talking to us, and mentioned not sharing our emails with the elders in our districts because we can't email opposite genders in our missions. And one sister said to respond, "sorry elders, I can't share my email with you, but I can share a scripture." That might be my new line for food ;p 

The rest of the week we've had more classes of training and practicing teaching. We have TRC's where we meet with "investigators" and plan and share lessons with them. It's been so cool and such a help. And it's amazing to see how much we improve in just a few days. Definitely have divine help here and it shows. Tuesday we had choir practice and missed dinner which was really rough, but the devo was really cool. Brother Wilcox spoke on the 12 tribes of Israel, it was really good and fun. 

They also had a new thing come out of safety videos for the missionaries to watch. They do it as a newscast show with video analysis and they are actually pretty good and can be funny. Exercising is one of the best parts of the day because we actually get to move around instead of sitting. Plus it's nice to work out, release stress, play games, and just feel good. P-day is so needed! Mainly for laundry and not having to be in class for a million years. And getting to go to the temple. But life is good and I'm happy. 

On Thursday all my roommates were showering and I started singing Disney songs. Everyone joined in and it was a jam session. It was awesome! On of my roommates loved it and had me start it again on Friday. So that's been fun as we've settled in and become more relaxed to just have fun with the other sisters in the little things. 

Enjoy the little things and be grateful for every moment of life! 

Love you all!
-Sister Nielson   emiline.nielson@missionary.org

1 comment:

  1. Elder Carl B Cook was our Mission President in New Zealand. You are in our prayers everyday and we really loved your letters.
    Grandma and Grandpa

    president in New Zealand
