
Friday, August 14, 2020

Week 76: Howdy!!


Hey y'all! 

I'm loving my new area and companions and am so excited to hit this last transfer hard. I just became the sister version of the assistants to the president, so that was very crazy and unexpected. Especially since I only have one transfer left, and have never served in a leadership position before. But I'm excited to serve wherever the Lord needs me. 

This week has been crazy. We have some amazing people we are teaching. We got to help one of them with some yard work and her daughters even had me hold the chicken on my shoulder. It won't poop they said...it pooped 😂

But the people here in this ward are so nice. We have lots of young couples and families and older widows and couples. They also are going to church, so I got to go in person for the first time since March. The young couples go one week, and then the older group the next. While at church this week I found out that some members from the athens young single adult ward I served in at the beginning of my mission moved into this ward when they got married. I knew about their engagement, but am so excited to get to serve around them again. So fun!

We had zone conference over zoom with Elder Martineau. It was really refreshing and inspiring. We talked about alma 8-12 a lot and of the importance of working through and with the members. When learning about new things it can be hard and difficult, but members can be their friends and answer any questions when we leave. I don't have much time to say more, but love y'all and gave a blessed week!

Sister Nielson :D


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