
Sunday, August 2, 2020

Week 74: Negative is Positive

Hello everyone! 

We got our test results back and we are negative! So that is really good. Sister Orr got tested last week, and hna Clark and I at the beginning of this week. The test wasn't painful in my opinion, but it was very uncomfortable. But your nasal passage gets really cleaned out. And today we are officially out of quarantine! The outside is a beautiful world and now we will get to see how hot it actually is outside haha. 

But on to this week. We made another veggietales video that we will post soon. Spoiler alert: it's captain Moroni and Helaman and the 2,000 stripling warriors. It is always a hoot to make them. And there were many peas and blueberries all over the floor. 

We continue to teach Javier. He loves the plan of salvation and said it really brings him hope and explains a lot of things he has thought about throughout his life. He is enjoying our gospel lessons and loves the scriptures we send. He is amazing and I'm so excited for him to continue learning and hopefully be baptized and feel even more hope and joy. 

This week we will be back outside, so watch out Georgia, we're coming for you! 

Love you all and stay sane and safe!
Hermana Nielson :D

Click Here to view Emiline's latest Veggie Tales Episode

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