
Monday, April 13, 2020

Week 59: Happy Easter Y'all

Hello hello hello! The work keeps moving on.

Our english class page has been getting us some people interested in English classes, so we have started doing some personal video call lessons and it's actually working out ok haha. Very interesting for sure. But we have been able to get in contact with new people through it. Technology is such a blessing even when it can be frustrating. Used in the right way it really can uplift and help us.

Things have been going pretty well in quarantine. We have been having lots of fun singing disney songs, and have only gone stir crazy a few times 😜

I hope you all had a wonderful Sabbath yesterday focusing on the Resurrection of our savior, Jesus Christ. It is such a blessing to know that we will live again one day and have hope for salvation and eternal life. Something I've been thinking about a lot with this season is how Jesus is the Living Christ. It is important to know that he rose from the grave and overcame death, and that we will too. But I think it is important to focus on what that means now. He is the living Christ and is the head of His living church. He guides us today. And he is asking us to live now! To live the life he exemplified for us. As risen Lord he appeared unto His disciples and in an unforgettable moment helped Peter understand that the hope for the life to come, starts with our life today. "Lovest thou me?" (John 21:15-16) Jesus asked it to Peter, and Jesus asks it to us today and everyday. Are we willing to leave our nets (maybe for the second time) and follow him? Are we willing to feed His sheep? To give all of ourselves, our time, effort, hopes, wants, desires? We will all be resurrected to live again, but if we want to live the life our Resurrected Lord lives, we must live the life our Savior asks in mortality. It is a big thing, but it comes day by day in the little ways we feed his sheep. So what one thing will you focus on this week or month to help you live with the hope of life to come?

I love you all, am so thankful for your love and support! And I'm grateful to be a representative of Jesus Christ and proclaim this message of hope and happiness :)

Love, Hermana Nielson :D

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