
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Week 35: Hola! My spanish is coming along!

Hola  todos!

I don't have tons of time, but I'll try and get something in. This has been a good week. We met some kids of a part member family who really want to learn about God. We are so excited to teach Eduardo and Jackie :) 
We got lost in an RV/Trailor park so fancy it had a church inside it. 
We got told by a guy that what we are doing is great, but if we read the bible we should know women are to worship in silence ha ha. It was pretty funny. 
For P-day we had a get together with other Sister missionaries in the area. We decided since it was Halloween this week we would make caramel apples deluxe
. Let's just say delicious.
We are settling into the area. We had some amazing tacos from a member and had so much food that night. Between the food and having a car, I am going to gain so much more weight ha ha. 
My spanish is coming back and I am making progress, but it will still be a while before I am able to really understand and speak back well. Thank you everyone for your prayers and love, it helps so much! 

Love, Hermana Nielson :D

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