This week was a good week, but had it's ups and downs.
Tuesday night was the branch Halloween party. I dressed up like an old lady, my great great grandma Mary Ann Hurley Pratt. It was fun to talk with everyone, and the music was hilarious. They would play thriller or Ghost busters or some Halloween song and then some random spanish song. But that night was a lot of fun to see everyone dressed up and having fun.
We had zone conference on Wednesday which was very inspiring. They talked a lot about truly becoming. Also how we can better plan and focus our lessons on helping the individuals prepare to receive blessings and make covenants with God. It was a really inspiring conference.
Halloween night we couldn't be out knocking, so we had a zone activity where we got together and played 9 square and had a fire with s'mores. It was so much fun! I love 9 square and hadn't played in forever.
This week we were also told to find an apartment again, so we looked around a lot and toured some and found one that should work. We should hear back today or tomorrow about it, so here is hoping. It is actually up in the area we are working in. So that has been kinda rough just rezoning our working area multiple times and not being able to quite settle down, but we are hoping to move in this week. Especially because the basement we live in right now is always 66°
The title comes because we met Juan and set up an appointment for the next day. When we showed up he was just getting out of his truck and told us to go visit the neighbors because he had to use the bathroom and would be in there for a bit... so we went back a bit later and it smelled like weed, so we aren't sure if it was coming from the bathroom or the neighbors, but that was unfortunate. We think teaching the word of wisdom will help with his bowels haha.
But we met some people this week and had lessons, but they usually flake and don't answer for our return appointment. It's sad knowing what blessings and happiness people are missing out on, but it is a reminder for all of us to turn to God openly to receive those blessings.
Also, I bore my testimony! It was super simple and I wrote it down, but I shared it in Spanish for the first time. And I also taught the spiritual thought at our member dinner that night too. My Spanish is improving :)
Love y'all!
Hermana Nielson :D
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