This week we've had lots going on. People are finally moving back in so we've been finding lots of people!! It's so fun! We were out knocking doors one night and I saw a beautiful dog I wanted to pet so I said, let's go dog contact (probably my favorite way to contact) so we got to pet his dog and talk with him. His name was Thomas and he was awesome! He was down to learn more and meet again, so we went back yesterday and had a good lesson teaching him about the restoration of Christ's church and authority on earth. He seemed to understand everything well and had some great questions. We are so excited to meet with him again this week :) also, his dog is huge and decided it was a lap dog so he sat on me most of the lesson. I loved every second of it :)
We also met some really cute roommates last week who were very faithful in their church. We talked about the book of Mormon and in setting up a time to bring some by and they actually invited us over for dinner! It was awesome! They are so sweet and supportive. They asked us questions and are very devout baptists but I didn't feel any hostility. We are going to continue meeting with them to discuss things. It sounds like they want to take us out to an iron horse statue that lots of students go to and have a picnic.
With the four of us planning is crazy. When we were weekly planning area book couldn't handle it and stopped working for us. So we had to take some time to bike out to the dollar store and get paper planners. Luckily we have area book working again because I am unbelievably grateful for it. Plans change so much that it would all be scratched out and reschedule a bazillion different times.
Sister Trussell and Sister Ferris spoke in church yesterday. And on Saturday I was asked to play the piano and we were asked to teach relief society. So we ran the show yesterday. It was so good to see so many people there and some familiar faces of people coming back to school and new ones too.
Also, rush started this weekend. So all the sororities have tents up with tables and snack and tons of girls everywhere in rompers and sundresses and heels. It's quite interesting to see. I'll try and get a video of it. But the girls practicing were all screaming and it was crazy. Greek life is very foreign ha ha
Also, you'll be hearing a lot about the war chapters of the Book of Mormon because that is where I'm reading right now and I love them. But in Helaman 1 the Lamanites decide to march to the middle of the Nephite lands and take the capital city. The Nephites hadn't expected that and weren't prepared for it. But as the lamanites moved to conquer the rest of the lands the neophytes were able to surround them and win the battle. I think it is a perfect example to prove God's love. Bad things happen sometimes because of our choices, others, or just life, but as we turn to the Lord and do what we should he will make the best of the situation for us. He promises that our experiences will be for our gain. I know that is true. I am living that truth every day.
Love y'all!!
Sister Nielson :D
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