
Monday, June 24, 2019

week 17: Long rides and short hair

Howdy y'all! I'll mix Idaho and Georgia together for everyone haha

This week has been a hot one, but good as always. I got my haircut this week. Took it down to my collarbones. I love it! It's so cute and easier to deal with. I made sure it was still long enough to put in a ponytail, but now there's less hair to get tangled and gross and sweaty :)

This week we've had some great phone lessons. Some of our recent converts and those we are teaching are on trips or home for the summer, but through the blessing of technology we can continue to support and work with them! Such a miracle :) we've also been able to help some of the branch members a lot. We are helping them to identify God in their lives and to better understand Christ's gospel and what is asked of us. I know this church is God's church on the earth. It is directed by Him and operates under His power. I've been touched in my life and am only able to do what I do to help others through His Holy Ghost. I am not perfect, nor do I have any power of myself, but I have been able to become more like Christ as I've been able to serve, help, and teach as He did. His Atonement is real! I've experienced it in my life. I have been able to overcome sins and weaknesses, I have received peace and strength, and have had my heart molded and changed to better desire to follow Jesus Christ. This is such a blessing and privilege to serve God.

This week we've done lots of biking and walking. And man, the hills are everywhere! You don't notice them as much until you are biking up hill haha. We also got to go to Athfest which was a little music festival thing downtown where people put up booths and sold art and jewelry and there was a kid area with bounce houses. I had enough self control to not get in them 😜 

The guy we met last week was excited when we stopped by again. We gave him a Book of Mormon and explained what it was. He was so excited to read it. I'm excited for him to strengthen his relationship with Christ and God. 

It's been another one for the books :)

Love y'all!
Sister Nielson :D

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