I'm training!!! President Marsh decided I needed extra help in being trained so he made me a trainer so I can go through the 12 week training again. Jk! I'm loving being a trainer! My new companion is Sister Ferris. She is so cute! I love her :) she ran cross country and played tennis. She likes card games and movies, especially marvel. So we are basically automatic best friends :)
This week has been awesome! We had transfer meeting where I said goodbye to sister Bronson and got sister Ferris. We got to help a newly wed couple move out and it'll be sad to see them go, but they are moving right around the temple in Atlanta so it's still good.
We've had lots of awesome lessons with the branch members and recent converts. They are all doing really well. It's so awesome!
We've been out biking up and down all the hills here having great contacts with people and hearing their stories of how Jesus helps them :) it's great, but very hot haha. Also, my southern is starting to come in. Some words have more of the drawl and I can tell the accent is starting to creep in sometimes
Between sister Ferris and I we have all types of sunscreen- lotion, spray, stick, and powder. Hopefully we won't be lobsters all summer haha. Weather wise it's starting to heat up again and the humidity is coming back up to be around 50-60s so it's all starting to come back slowly. Everyone is saying that May was like June or July weather and this weather has been like May. So I'm hoping July is only what June is usually since we already dealt with may haha. But it rains all throughout the Summer. Sometimes light, sometimes all day, sometimes it dumps, sometimes it's just for a few hours and then it's fine. It just kinda decides what it wants to do for that hour. Georgia has attitude. Even back home it would do crazy things and switch between days or have sun, snow, rain, etc in one day. But it just kinda felt like it is what it is and it's just what happens. Here it seriously feels like Georgia is just a moody teenager sometimes happy sometimes not.
We had a cool experience where we decided to go out biking and we ended up missing where we had originally planned because we didn't have the directions in front of us. So we ended up just going until I saw a little street I felt like we should go check out. It was a lot of family homes, and no one answered really. The one door that did answer saw us and immediately closed it. So it was kinda weird that we were over there. But as we were going to bike to somewhere new I saw a house right at the entrance, and it seemed like it could have ysa living there. I decided we needed to knock, prompting or just not wanting to regret not knocking on it. And no one answered. But as we went to bike sister Ferris' back tire wasn't working. We took about 20ish min trying to fix it and a ysa guy came home right before we figured it out. He didn't come out to help us, but we were going to make every opportunity to talk to him. So we went and asked for paper towels to wipe the grease off of our hands. So we gave him a card and talked for a second. Hopefully the spirit moves him to action. But it was kinda a cool experience I wanted to share
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