
Sunday, June 16, 2019

Week 15: Another week in the books!

Hey Y'all!

It's another for the books. It's been great as always here in Athens Georgia.

I got new shoes so my feet are very happy about that :)

We've been out tracting and contacting lots this week. We've been trying to get back with some of the people we talked to last week who were interested. It's been kinda hard because everyone is working and has been so busy. So hopefully this week we can get in touch with them. 

We had one girl try to avoid us. We were stopping by when she drove up, and so she just kept driving by when she saw us. So we started walking home because we got the picture haha. But she ended up turning down the road where we live to get away. So she ended up running into us a few times which was hilarious! She finally had to drive by us to get back home and tried to act casual. So we smiled and waved really big so she had to acknowledge us. She smiled and waved back and she finally went back home so we didn't run into her on our way home again. We were dying laughing!

We also got to go to the temple with Anderson for her first time. It was so amazing and she loved it. It is just so special and has the most amazing spirit. I'm so glad we got to share that experience with her and that her dad got to come as well. 

We also found out that I will be training a new missionary this transfer! I'm so excited :) we had a meeting for all the new trainers to go to at the mission office and it was good. It was fun to see who is training. And tomorrow we get to meet the new missionaries coming in and find out who we are training! It's going to be amazing! And I'll be staying here at UGA to train her :) I love it here!

We also get pounded by a nice thunderstorm this weekend. We had to walk and then bike to a lesson and were so soaked. Luckily as missionaries we are able to just laugh about it the whole time. And smile at the people in the cars laughing at two soaking girls in dresses biking in the downpour haha. 

So it's been great and about to be another crazy and amazing week! Stay awesome and dry y'all!

Sister Nielson :D

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