
Monday, July 13, 2020

Week 72: Service Service Service!!!!

Hellooooo to all!

This week has been exhausting but amazing. 

We had zone conference this week. We found out just a few days before, but it was really good. We even got to do it with the Marietta Zone too. So we got to meet the Mission president and his family. They are so cute! He is ready to come in and work and not take excuses. He's also pushing service which is great because the more we have served, the more the word has gotten out and others need service or know of the people who do. So now we get to do lots of service.

This week we got to do lots of service with Saturday being our big day. We learned of a lady moving out that needed help painting her house, so we set up time to come Thursday. Then we got a call Friday that there was an older woman in the ward who has tons of yard work to do that day but was too stubborn to ask for help and didn't want to make anyone else work out in the sun so much. So we tried to coordinate with the missionaries to be able to go over and help, but at such short notice we couldn't change some of our meetings. We called her to tell her that we would be coming the next morning (Saturday) with 7 missionaries to help with her yard. Luckily she wasn't able to work in her yard on Friday and was so grateful for the help! It was amazing and she taught us all the plants she had that were edible and we even tried wild strawberries. They taste like water, but the texture is fun. So then we went home for lunch and then to painting for another 3 1/2 hours. So fun, but so exhausting. We are getting really good at painting ha ha. I'm so grateful that we can get out of the apartment, serve people, and get to know our members. This is such a blessing for us!

Also, for our Facebook page video we had to make we decided to do veggie tales for the Book of Mormon. We bought all these vegetables and made little faces and then went for it. It was hilarious to do, and we find it hilarious still and watch it all the time to laugh. It's on my page if any of y'all missed it and need a good laugh. It is in Spanish, but humor knows no language. 

Love y'all and keep staying safe!
Hermana Nielson :D

Click here to see Sister Nielson's Movie

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