
Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Week 71: Fireworks?! I Hear Them

Howdy everyone! 

This week has been exhausting but great! We have been doing lots of service for members which is a great way to get to know them because you talk while you do it. So add to our missionary resume: house painter, mover, blind duster. And we'll see what else this week :) 

Our new mission president is awesome! His name is mark harris and he played for the 49ers for all you football fans. He has 5 main focuses of:
1. Jesus Christ - the center of everything, the only way to be a successful missionary
2. We are a family - the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Your Ward is your home. 
3. Book of Mormon/PMG - study both daily, they are divinely inspired
4. Body, Mind, Spirit - eat right, get enough sleep, exercise, the basics!
5. Law of the Harvest - reap what you sow, we work hard so we can play even harder. 
So as part of this we are supposed to do a minimum of 10 hours inspired service a week. So good thing we've been getting practice :)

We also found out that the branch can't be made without meeting, so we are here to lay the foundation and groundwork to help get the members used to the idea and meeting together so it can go quick when we can meet again. So that was nice to kind of find out our direction and next steps.

My companions are awesome! I'm excited for this area and how much fun and work we will have here. 

Love Y'all!
Hermana Nielson :D


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