
Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Week 11: Hey Y'all

Hello everyone!! 

As always it's been a fun and crazy week. Missionary life is the best! 

As I write, sister Bronson is practically burning down the house trying to bake chicken and cook rice. But despite our monthly detector tests, we know our smoke detector works in action :) haha

This week I gave a training at our district council, and it went well. I talked about meekness and how it is righteous responsiveness, willing submission, and strong self restraint. And how this helps us accomplish our purpose of bringing people closer to Christ. 

We also got to go to the temple with Emily! I love the temple! It truly is the house of the Lord and we can learn more about him and draw closer to him in it. I know that it is truly a blessing to be able to help others receive the ordinances of baptism and confirmation by standing in proxy for those who have passed on. And that the power of the temple is endowed upon us as we go.

We also had a mission-wide GANM (Georgia Atlanta North Mission) deep clean. We de-cluttered everything and got rid of anything that wasn't ours and isn't needed. Then we cleaned every nook and cranny. It is so nice to know everything is clean and it really brings the spirit when you dwell in cleanliness. 

We continue working with Matt and preparing him for baptism. It is amazing to see how this is truly the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. That we are able to make covenants through his power that allow us to become more like him. We have been blessed so much and I love being able to be so grateful for it and see it blessing others lives. 

Church was good this week. Sister Bronson and I spoke to the very small congregation. Everyone has started leaving with school being over and anyone with family close went home for mother's day. But we had around 8 YSA-Yong Single Adults and 7 adults.

I am so glad I got to call my mom and talk with my family yesterday! It is so fun and a boost to get to keep up in their lives and share my experiences and testimony with them. I know that this change was revelation from the Lord and to bless us each individually. 

I love you all and hope life is treating you good!

Love, Sister Nielson :)

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