Hey Y'all!
It's been another crazy awesome week, or crazy and awesome week 😂
We had a zone Pday where the AP's and President came up and played softball. It was so much fun! When we played the competitive game my team won! So everyone else had to do pushups haha. And I actually ran all the bases and got my team a point. It was a complete blast!
Well, all the college kids have gone home for the summer, so there is no one here. So we go tracting a lot. Lots of walking and knocking on doors and sweating. Apparently we are having record highs this May. It's been 95°+ all week. I'm thoroughly worried for July and August. But I've got plenty of sunscreen and water so I'll be alright.
Wednesday was a hilarious day. Sister Bronson had to bike out somewhere we hadn't ever been before. And we ended up going the wrong way and adding 2 or 3 extra miles on to our ride and a huge hill! Going up the hill wasn't even the worst part. It was going down it! All the sidewalks were really broken and cars are everywhere and it was so steep. Angels definitely kept us from biffing it hard haha. But after that we stopped to check the navigation and we happened to be by stake and shake during their happy hour. So we got half priced shakes to get out of the heat. So almost dying was worth it :)
We also had exchanges this week. Man do miracles happen on exchanges. I was with Sister Lu, one of the STL's, in my area. And we actually ran into a guy who talked to us for 20 min. We had a great conversation about faith and beliefs in different religions. It was so awesome and we are going back this week to talk with him some more.
Also, Anderson was baptized this week! It was so powerful! She is so strong and amazing! She has been waiting for this for a while because her mom didn't want her to, but she finally was able to get baptized and she is so happy about it. The Spirit was so strong the entire time. And it was awesome to see so many people come to support her. And so many of her friends that aren't members come support her. And to share with us how powerful the experience was for them. God's gospel is so beautiful and powerful. I'm so grateful for the knowledge and direction we have. That we have God's power and authority to make covenants to follow Him. It is such a blessing to live this and help others come to the same joy in Christ :)
I also got to go to our branch president's huge family bbq this Saturday. We got to talk with all of their neighbors and extended family. It was so much fun. And I learned some southern phrases. I'm slowly but surely learning how to speak southern ;) never would have thought I would back when I was knee-high to a grasshopper 😉
Happy Memorial Day to everyone! I wanted to share some thoughts we discussed at church. We talked about how memorial day is to remember those who have gone on before us and sacrificed for our freedom. And how we are so blessed to get to focus on this all year with family history work. As we are able to learn about our ancestors and then to take their names to the temple and get to vicariously perform ordinances for them to get to enjoy the same blessing from the covenants that we have made. And also that each week we are able to partake of the sacrament and remember the ultimate sacrifice made for our freedom and salvation. And how Christ's infinite Atonement and grace are working in our lives and how we can repent and become better and more fully accept that power into our lives. I know that the Lord has given us the direction of what we must do to become like Him and to be able to use His power in our lives to become better each day. I know that Jesus Christ lives. That he is the Son of the Living God, the creator of all things, and my Father in Heaven. I am trying my best to serve Him with all that I can, but ultimately all the miracles and joy I have been able to see are all His doing. "I do not boast in my own strength, nor in my own wisdom; but behold, my joy is full, yea, my heart is brim with joy, and I will rejoice in my God.
Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever." Alma 26:11-12
Take time to notice God's hand in your life and to enjoy the beauty of all that we have :)
Love you all! Stay awesome!
Sister Nielson :D
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