
Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Week 69: We get to go outside a little

Hello everyone. Sorry for missing my email last week. But this week has been pretty good.

We had zone conference in person!!!!!! It was so fun!!! And usually we have multiple zones so it's more of a half the mission conference, but this one was just our zone which only has 17 people. So it was small. But we got to see some people for the first time and it was really great to socialize. This is the last one before my mission president leaves. They talked about our divine potential and building our ebenezer (Hebrew for stone of help). Very great day. And after we got to play softball one last time with president marsh. I'm very sad to see them go, but I'm excited to see how things will change with the new president.

We are able to eat with people outside and got to do that twice this week. At one house we got to play four square in their driveway. It was so much fun. I really have learned to enjoy the simple fun moments with people. Just having fun and enjoying others company. 

But we get transfer calls tonight so we will see what happens. I'm kinda excited for whatever happens whether I'm transferred, or stay, or we get a third. But I have two transfers left, so it might be my last big change. We will see. 

Thanks for all the love and support!
Hermana Nielson  :D

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