
Monday, March 9, 2020

Week 54: Hey y'all

Hello everyone!

I'm doing great here in Coal Mountain living my life up! 

This week has been busy but great! Our focus for the zone this week is what we call Ganm news. A new in the mission is someone you've had a lesson with and then have a return appointment set up. A ganm news is when you are able to have that second lesson that was set up. So we went through our areabook at all the people who had been taught once, but never had the second lesson and have been stopping by to see if they are interested. We had a lesson with one guy who was "open to hear about others religions" but really just told us his opinions and didn't let us talk. So he's happy where he is at, but we had another great lesson. It was with a lady named Aurelia who was amazing! We were talking about the plan of salvation and the fall of adam and eve and she was telling us about how there were two deaths, temporal and spiritual. It's so excited when people already understand so much about the truth and how it applies into our lives. We are excited to go back and see her again this week.

We also had a temple trip on Wednesday. I love the temple!! It is such a blessing to get to go to the House of the Lord. Even as a missionary it is still a break from the world and helps realign our thoughts with God's and refocus our lives. We also had interviews with the mission president the next day. A missionary had apples to apples the bible version so we played and that was really fun. We think someone should make a book of Mormon one or the quad set. More scripture really just open up the possibilities.

Something I've been thinking about this week is how we have been given a mark as disciples of Jesus Christ. Although everyone is given the light of Christ, we can shine brighter the more we choose to follow Christ. And through baptism we have made a covenant with Him and are his covenant people. Our blessing and mark from this is having his name upon us, and the gift of the Holy spirit. We truly can see Christ in our countenance as we live up to the covenants we've made and keep our hearts centered on the truth. I love you all and hope this is a wonderful week!

Love, Hermana Nielson :)

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