
Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Week 50: (Snow) Angels in Georgia

Hey y'all! It's been a great week!

We met this cute family. The mom's named Alba and we got to teach her and two of her daughters Maria and Yensi. We even got to meet with them again so that was a blessing. We are trying to meet with people multiple times a week instead of just once a week, because it helps them progress better, but it can be really hard with their schedules. 

At the end of our English class with Beatriz, we taught her how God wants to hear from us and that we can communicate to Him through prayer. She was really excited to try with us, which was so sweet. Most people are really nervous and want to do it by themselves first. I think she is very ready for the gospel and has the desire to get closer to Christ. 

It snowed!!! Enough for it to stick. So we made a snowman :) it was so fun! Also, we weren't allowed to drive because the drivers are crazy already and even more so with snow. But we got to talk to some people out walking too. And found out the hard way my boot had a whole in it haha.

Also, I saved a duck. We have ducks that live in the complex, and one morning we saw one with a plastic bag stuck around his neck. So picture a girl in a skirt chasing and pinning down a flapping duck wearing a plastic bag. But he didn't bite me and I got to rip it off and save the day. After he knew I helped, but still gave me the side eye 😒

Overall it's been a good week :)

Love, Hermana Nielson :D

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